Basquiat's sky

Céu de Basquiat
Céu de Basquiat is a performance that transits between the political and cultural issues of now in Brazil and in the world, parallel to the demands of the particular and instigating universe of the works of Jean Michel Basquiat and the creative interpreter Márcio Cunha. Jean Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) famous figure in contemporary art known as neo-expressionist, had a meteoric career and a troubled life story that led him to suicide by heroin overdose at age 27 in his studio. Céu de Basquiat is a direct encounter with the dark side of the human being, an abyssal delivery in the search for questions that make sense for the interpreter as a creator crossed by the current moment of the country and its anguish as a human being. A vertical dive into the relationship between movement and paint, between dance and dramaturgy, between the artist and the character, with a view to uncovering issues pertaining to the body, death, sexuality, spirituality, violence, social relations, prejudice , the value of art, the art market and artistic production.
Conception, director and creative interpreter: Márcio Cunha
Artistic collaboration: Ana Paula Bouzas, Aline Bernardi, Juliana Nogueira, Micheline Torres and Mariana Berbal.
Light design and operation: Juca Baracho
Sound Operator: Gabriel Gaia
Design e publicity photos: Leonardo Miranda
Photos from the show: Renato Mangolin
Teaser and video of the show: Guto Neto
Press Office: BriefCom Comunicação
Executive Producer: Janaína Gaia
Production direction: Veronica Fernandes
Realization: NKV Artistic Productions
Premiered Jul 2016 at Sesc Copacabana